Open Marriage – Have You Been Thinking About It?

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white wooden door

Open Marriage – Discussing the Pros and Cons of Non-Monogamous Relationships

Open marriage is a topic that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a form of ethical non-monogamy that allows couples to have sexual and romantic relationships with people outside of their marriage. While this concept may seem unconventional, many couples have found it to be a way to strengthen their relationship and increase their level of trust and communication.

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The idea of open marriage has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become more mainstream. With the rise of hookup culture and dating apps, more people are exploring non-traditional relationships. Open marriage is not for everyone, but for those who are interested, it can be a way to explore their sexuality and connect with others in a safe and consensual way. However, it is important to note that open marriage requires a great deal of communication, honesty, and trust between partners.

Defining Open Marriage

A couple sits at a table, openly discussing their open marriage. They gesture and make eye contact, conveying openness and honesty in their conversation

Open marriage is a form of consensual non-monogamy where a married couple agrees to have sexual and/or romantic relationships with other people outside their primary relationship. This arrangement is based on mutual trust, respect, and communication between partners.

Unlike polyamory, which involves forming intimate relationships with multiple partners, open marriage is generally focused on outside sexual connections only. The primary partners may set rules and boundaries for their open marriage, such as agreeing to disclose all outside relationships or only engaging in sexual activity with others when both partners are present.

Open marriage is not the same as cheating or infidelity, as both partners are aware of and have consented to the arrangement. In fact, proponents of open marriage argue that it can strengthen a couple’s bond by promoting honesty, communication, and trust. According to WeddingWire, “An open marriage allows for more sexual freedom within the relationship ironically making couples less likely to break up over a stale sex life.”

However, open marriage is not for everyone and requires a high level of emotional maturity, communication, and trust between partners. It can also be challenging to navigate and may require ongoing discussions and adjustments to the rules and boundaries set by the couple.

Historical Context of Open Marriages

A couple sitting at a table, discussing their open marriage with open body language and relaxed expressions. A sense of openness and honesty in the conversation

Ancient Societies

Open marriages have been practiced in various forms throughout history. In ancient societies such as the Greeks and Romans, extramarital relationships were common and accepted. In fact, many famous historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Cleopatra engaged in open relationships. In some cultures, such as the Mosuo people of China, open relationships are still practiced today.

Modern Emergence

The modern concept of open marriage emerged in the 20th century as a response to changing social norms and values. In the 1960s and 1970s, the sexual revolution and feminist movements challenged traditional gender roles and the idea of monogamy. The concept of open marriage gained popularity during this time as a way to challenge traditional notions of love, sex, and relationships.


One of the most well-known advocates of open marriage was psychologist and author Dr. George O’Neill. In the 1970s, he and his wife Nena wrote a book called “Open Marriage: A New Life Style for Couples” which popularized the concept of open relationships. The book emphasized the importance of communication, honesty, and mutual respect in open relationships.

Today, open marriage is still a controversial topic, but it has become more accepted and mainstream in some circles. Many people who practice open marriage report greater satisfaction and fulfillment in their relationships, but it is not for everyone. It requires a high level of trust, communication, and emotional maturity from both partners.

Social Perceptions of Open Marriages

A couple sits at a table, openly discussing their open marriage with friends. Others nearby glance over, their expressions a mix of curiosity and judgment


Open marriages are becoming increasingly popular in modern society, but they still face a lot of social stigma and misconceptions. This section will explore some of the cultural variations and media influences that shape the public’s perception of open marriages.

Cultural Variations

Cultural variations play a significant role in shaping people’s attitudes towards open marriages. In some cultures, open marriages are more widely accepted than in others. For example, in some Native American tribes, open marriages have been a tradition for centuries and are seen as a way to strengthen family ties and promote harmony within the community. On the other hand, in more conservative cultures, open marriages are often viewed as immoral and a threat to the sanctity of marriage.

Media Influence

The media has a significant impact on how people perceive open marriages. In popular culture, open marriages are often portrayed as scandalous and morally wrong. However, some TV shows and movies have started to challenge these stereotypes and present open marriages in a more positive light. For example, the TV show “You Me Her” depicts a polyamorous relationship in a way that is both realistic and respectful.


Despite the negative stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding open marriages, more and more people are choosing to explore this lifestyle. As society becomes more accepting and open-minded, it’s likely that the stigma surrounding open marriages will continue to diminish.

Communication in Open Marriages

A couple sits facing each other, engaged in deep conversation, with open body language and relaxed expressions. They appear to be discussing their open marriage, showing mutual respect and understanding

Communication is crucial in any relationship, but it’s especially important in open marriages. Partners in open marriages need to discuss their desires, boundaries, and expectations before opening up their relationship to others. This can help avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings down the line.

Setting Boundaries

One of the most important aspects of communication in open marriages is setting boundaries. This involves discussing what is and isn’t acceptable behavior with other partners. Couples may choose to set rules around physical intimacy, emotional connections, or even the frequency of outside relationships. It’s important for both partners to be clear about their boundaries and to respect each other’s limits.

Managing Jealousy

Jealousy can be a natural emotion in any relationship, and it can become even more complex in open marriages. Partners may feel jealous if they perceive that their spouse is getting more attention or affection from another partner. It’s important for partners to discuss their feelings of jealousy and to work together to find ways to manage it. This may involve setting boundaries around certain behaviors or spending more quality time together to strengthen their bond.

Overall, communication is key in open marriages. Partners need to be open and honest with each other about their desires, boundaries, and feelings. By working together, couples can build a strong foundation of trust and respect that can help them navigate the challenges of an open relationship.

Legal and Financial Considerations

A couple sits at a table with legal and financial documents spread out, engaged in a serious discussion about the implications of an open marriage

Open marriages are a non-traditional approach to marriage, and as such, it comes with its set of legal and financial considerations. While the laws surrounding open marriage vary from state to state, there are some general considerations that couples should keep in mind when entering into an open marriage.

Marital Rights

In a traditional marriage, both partners have certain legal rights and responsibilities. These rights include the right to make medical decisions for your spouse, the right to inherit property, and the right to make financial decisions on behalf of your spouse. However, in an open marriage, these rights may be more complicated.

For example, if one partner becomes ill and requires medical attention, the other partner may not have the legal right to make medical decisions on their behalf. This can be especially challenging if the couple practices non-monogamy with multiple partners. In this case, it may be necessary to create legal documents such as power of attorney or medical directives to ensure that both partners have the necessary legal rights.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is another important consideration for couples in open marriages. In a traditional marriage, assets are typically passed down to the surviving spouse in the event of one partner’s death. However, in an open marriage, this may not be the case.

To ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, it is essential to create a will or trust. This legal document outlines how your assets should be distributed and can help prevent legal disputes among partners or other family members.

It is also important to update beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and other financial accounts to reflect your wishes. This can help ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can prevent legal disputes among partners or other family members.

Overall, while open marriages can be a fulfilling and meaningful way of life for some couples, it is important to consider the legal and financial implications before entering into this type of relationship. By taking the time to understand the legal and financial considerations, couples can ensure that their relationship is built on a solid foundation and can thrive for years to come.

Psychological Aspects

A couple sits on a couch, talking openly about their feelings and desires. Their body language is relaxed and open, showing a sense of trust and understanding

Open marriage can have psychological implications for couples who choose to engage in it. Here we will discuss some of the psychological aspects of open marriages.

Emotional Health

Open marriages can affect the emotional health of couples in different ways. Some couples may feel liberated and experience increased happiness and satisfaction, while others may feel anxious, jealous, and insecure. It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and emotions to avoid misunderstandings and to maintain a healthy relationship.

According to a Psychology Today article, open marriages can be psychologically healthy for couples who have a secure attachment style. Couples with a secure attachment style are more likely to communicate openly and honestly with each other, which can help them cope with the challenges of an open marriage. However, couples with an insecure attachment style may experience more negative emotions, such as jealousy and anxiety, which can lead to conflict and relationship problems.

Attachment Styles

Attachment styles can play a significant role in the success of an open marriage. Couples with a secure attachment style are more likely to have a positive experience in an open marriage, as they are more comfortable with intimacy and are better at communicating their needs and emotions. On the other hand, couples with an insecure attachment style may struggle with jealousy and trust issues, which can lead to conflict and relationship problems.

It is important for couples to be aware of their attachment styles and to communicate openly and honestly with each other about their needs and expectations. Couples who are considering an open marriage should also seek the advice of a therapist or counselor to help them navigate the challenges and to maintain a healthy relationship.

Open Marriage and Parenting

A couple sits at a table, openly discussing their open marriage and parenting approach. They are engaged in conversation, gesturing and smiling

Open marriage is a type of marriage in which both partners agree to have sexual relationships with other people outside of their marriage. While this type of marriage is not for everyone, some couples find it to be a fulfilling way to express their love and commitment to each other. However, when children are involved, open marriage can become more complicated.

Child Development

Open marriage can have an impact on children’s development. According to an article on Slate, children in open marriages may feel confused or hurt by their parents’ relationships with other people. They may also feel excluded or left out if their parents spend time with their other partners instead of them. It is important for parents in open marriages to communicate with their children and explain their lifestyle in an age-appropriate way.

Family Dynamics

Open marriage can also affect family dynamics. According to an article on Psychology Today, open marriage can lead to jealousy and insecurity among family members. It is important for couples in open marriages to establish boundaries and rules to prevent these negative feelings from arising. It is also important for couples to communicate openly and honestly with each other and with their children to ensure that everyone is comfortable and happy with the arrangement.

Overall, open marriage can be a challenging but rewarding lifestyle choice for some couples. However, when children are involved, it is important for parents to consider the impact that their lifestyle may have on their children’s development and to communicate openly and honestly with their children to ensure that they feel loved and supported.

Health and Safety

A table with two chairs facing each other, a document labeled "Health and Safety open marriage - discuss," and a pen resting on the table

Sexual Health

One of the most important aspects of open marriages is ensuring sexual health. When engaging in sexual activities with multiple partners, there is an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is crucial for individuals in open marriages to practice safe sex and get tested regularly for STIs. This can include using condoms, dental dams, and other forms of protection.

Individuals in open marriages should also have open and honest communication with their partners about their sexual health. This can include discussing previous sexual partners and getting tested together before engaging in sexual activities.

Emotional Safety

Emotional safety is another important aspect of open marriages. It is crucial for individuals to establish clear boundaries and guidelines with their partners to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.

One way to establish emotional safety is through regular check-ins with partners. This can include discussing feelings of jealousy or insecurity and finding ways to address these emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.

It is also important for individuals to prioritize their own emotional well-being. This can include seeking therapy, practicing self-care, and setting boundaries with partners if necessary.

Overall, open marriages can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for individuals who prioritize their health and safety. By practicing safe sex and establishing clear boundaries, individuals can enjoy the benefits of open relationships while maintaining their emotional and physical well-being.

Challenges and Conflicts

A couple sits at a table, facing each other with tense expressions. One holds a list of rules, while the other gestures toward an open doorway

Open marriages can be difficult to navigate and require a great deal of communication and trust between partners. Below are some common challenges and conflicts that couples in open marriages may face:

Conflict Resolution

When conflicts arise in an open marriage, it is important for partners to handle them in a constructive and respectful manner. This may involve setting clear boundaries and rules for the relationship, as well as practicing active listening and empathy. Couples may also benefit from seeking the help of a therapist or counselor who specializes in open relationships.

Some common conflicts that may arise in open marriages include jealousy, feelings of neglect or abandonment, and disagreements over the terms of the relationship. It is important for partners to address these issues head-on and work together to find a resolution that works for both parties.

Seeking Support

Open marriages can be emotionally challenging, and partners may benefit from seeking support from friends, family members, or other individuals who have experience with open relationships. Online forums and support groups can also provide a valuable source of information and advice.

It is important for partners to communicate openly and honestly with each other about their feelings and needs, and to be willing to seek outside help when necessary. With the right tools and support, couples in open marriages can navigate the challenges and conflicts that arise and build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

Success Stories

silhouette of woman standing on beach during sunset

Open marriages can be a controversial topic, but for some couples, it has been a successful way to maintain their relationship. Here are a few success stories of couples who have made open marriages work for them.

1. Cristin and her husband

Cristin and her husband have been in an open marriage for several years. They have found that it has helped them maintain a strong connection while also allowing them to explore their individual desires. Cristin says that being in an open marriage has allowed her to be more honest with her husband, and it has strengthened their communication and trust.

2. Bella and her partner

Bella and her partner decided to try an open marriage after being together for 10 years. They found that it helped them break out of their routine and explore new experiences. Bella says that being in an open marriage has allowed her to be more confident and empowered in her sexuality, and it has brought her and her partner closer together.

3. Will and Jada Smith

Will and Jada Smith have been open about their open marriage, and they credit it with helping them maintain a strong relationship for over 20 years. They have said that being in an open marriage has allowed them to explore their individual desires while also maintaining a deep connection with each other.

Overall, open marriages are not for everyone, but for some couples, it can be a successful way to maintain a strong and healthy relationship. It requires a lot of communication, trust, and honesty, but for those who are willing to put in the work, it can be a rewarding experience.

Future of Open Marriages

Open marriages have been gaining more attention and acceptance in recent years. As society becomes more accepting of different lifestyles, it is likely that open marriages will become more common. In fact, according to a source, 21% of single Americans have engaged in some form of consensual non-monogamy, which includes open marriages.

One reason for this increase in acceptance is the fact that people are living longer and healthier lives. As people age, they may become less interested in traditional monogamous relationships and may seek out more unconventional arrangements. Additionally, as people become more financially independent, they may feel less pressure to conform to societal norms and may be more willing to explore alternative relationship styles.

Another factor contributing to the future of open marriages is the rise of technology. With the advent of dating apps and social media, it has become easier for people to connect with others who share their interests and desires. This, in turn, has made it easier for people to find partners who are open to non-monogamous relationships.

Despite the growing acceptance of open marriages, it is important to note that they are not for everyone. It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their desires and boundaries before entering into an open marriage. Additionally, it is important for couples to establish clear rules and boundaries to ensure the emotional and physical safety of all parties involved.

Overall, the future of open marriages looks promising as society becomes more accepting of different lifestyles and as technology makes it easier for people to connect with like-minded individuals. However, it is important for couples to approach open marriages with caution and to communicate openly and honestly with each other.


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